Mean,Median,Mode and Range

To find the mean of a group of numbers we find their average

example: A group of numbers 1,3,8,6,8

mean = (1+3+6+8+8)/5 = 5.2

To find the median of a group of numbers we arrange the numbers in increasing order and look for the number in the middle.

example: A group of numbers 1,3,8,6,8

re-arrange: 1,3,6,8,8

6 being in the middle is the median.

To find the mode we look for the number which appears for the most number of times in a group of numbers.

example: A group of numbers 1,3,8,6,8

8 is the number which appears twice, which is more than the other numbers in the list hence it is the mode.

To find the range we find the difference between the largest number and the smallest number in the group.

example: A group of numbers 1,3,8,6,8

8 is the largest and 1 the smallest number

hence range is 8 – 1 = 7